ULTRA MODERN MMM SCRIPT is fully looks delightful across different devices and screen layouts as well. All of the script functions will be guaranteed on almost devices and give visitors beautiful interfaces. This script totally SEO optimized so you can Get a high ranking on search engines. Helping MMM Script is built with web standards and SEO best practices in mind. We optimized speed for fast loading your website.
Live demo script :
- Register account
- Login member (create account fisrt)
Supported Currency
This script have loaded best feature that you have been never seen in any MMM Script. MMM (Member to Member) Scripts support multiple currencies, It mean user can PH and GH in their own currency. The First PH created by members in their currency will be set as their home currency and GH will be matched with their same currency.
Payment Processors
MMM Help Script integrates seamlessly with all major payment gateways like Bitcoin, Bankwire etc.. This will alow users to accept payments from your members. You can add any payment gateway for your members from admin control panel. There is no hard configuration just login and add payment mode.
Email Notification
You will get notified via email on every task you & users perform. Mass email from the admin panel is also possible. It means the admin can send the email to lump of users officially.
Best Desboard Panel
Dashboard will give you the latest updates and Provide Help reports for current day. Also it will be dynamic for your website sections and give you last updates from inbox, transactions, news and FAQ
Easy Installation
MMM Scripts is easy to install and programming skills are not required to install. Just follow simple installation steps and your own MMM website will be ready in no more than 5 Minutes.
The chat messaging system allows PH member, GH members to contact each other’s instantly for making the payments and get notified for each message.
Our All script comes with source code. You can modify it yourself.